Thursday 26 June 2014

5 Steps Day Care Face

5 Steps Day Care Face 

If you thought the celebrity women both at home and in the world always look pretty because of plastic surgery, or injectable fillers, you may be mistaken. Since the foundation of a healthy and smooth skin care routine is performed in the evenings. Here are five important step that you should emulate.

Deep Cleansing
Washing your face regularly once every three days is very important to clean facial skin, especially at night. Choose a facial cleanser soap foam levels are very low, and wipe with the palm of the hand soap gently so as not to cause irritation.

Begin stage of deep cleansing facial area T (nose and forehead), followed by the area around the cheeks and chin. Apply circular techniques toward the outer side of the face to provide a relaxing effect once the blood circulation. For the dry skin, do not be too long doing this deep cleansing process, just 1-2 minutes.

Phase actual refresher is needed for facial skin. In addition to giving the sensation of cold and relaxing effect, giving fresheners also help clean the remaining dirt, sebum, dust, or bacteria that are still attached to the skin despite doing deep cleansing stage. Use a cotton swab when applying fresheners in the face, avoiding the eye area clean up, because generally fresheners also contain alcohol which dries the skin nature. Choose fresheners to extract milk, lemon, or others.

Grain products with excellent scrub to remove dead skin and dirt and sebum that is still attached to the face. Scrub is not recommended to be done for dry skin types. Phase two days scrubbing is done once in the evening after a deep cleansing stage, and focus on areas that are usually problematic just like the forehead and nose.

Especially for you who slept in air-conditioned, this stage is very important to maintain moisture and avoid dehydration due to the negative ions released by the air conditioning machine. Choose moisturizing products containing Squalane and bird's nest that is excellent for moisture and softness of your skin.

It also became the most important stage in beauty rituals at night. Just as our bodies need food, vitamins, and other substances, the skin also needs good nutrition to increase collagen in the dermis as well as the improvement of the skin's surface texture. The use of a special night cream and serum routinely face can prevent and overcome problems such as acne, dull skin, blackheads, large pores, sebum, and dark skin.

6 Simple Ways to Shrink Facial Pores

6 Simple Ways to Shrink Facial Pores 

Women are willing to do anything to shrink the pores. The main reason why women do not like facial pores are big factors when putting on makeup perfection.

Facial fuzz-filled pore and large tend to be difficult to be covered with foundation or concealer. Makeup will easily fade if applied on a large porous face.

The fact that the latest Harris Poll sponsored by L'Oreal as many as 23 percent of women say giving up against all kinds of beauty products reducers pores.

So is there any other way that is more natural and safe to do in order to shrink the pores are large? Here are tips for you.

Exfoliation is routinely
Use a combination of exfoliating products granular exfoliating scrub with chemical products such as alcohol-free low levels of serum glycolic.
By Renee Rouleau, this method can eliminate dry skin and dead cells cause large pores deeper.

Diligent cleaning face
Clean the face in the morning and evening or afternoon if you often do outdoor activities. Cleaners containing pH-balanced to lift oil, blackheads, sebum that stick to the pores as claimed by experts from the UK, namely skin problems Kavita Mariwalla, MD

Use sunscreen
exposure to UVA and UVB rays produce free radicals that can damage the outer layer of the skin and face.
Beauty and skin health experts Thornhill Skin Care owner named Shawn Solomon has advised women to use products containing plant cells that could repair damaged skin contour.

apply retinol
The content of retinol could prevent the production of melanin and regenerate skin. Author of Skin Rules of New York, namely Debra Jaliman recommend skin care products that contain retinol night worthwhile shrink pores acne scars and dry skin.

Do a steam facial
Beauty expert and owner Cecilia Wong from Hong Kong suggested herbal facial steam rituals regularly. Combine olive oil, and lemon extract granules scrub, rose extract, mint leaves and milk in warm water containing a towel. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes on the face and then wipe and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Exercising will trigger sweating. Expert skin problems from California named Michael Lin recommends regular exercise for 1 hour so that the skin is able to regenerate naturally. Prepare a clean towel that has been given a facial cleanser containing salicylic acid to wipe the sweat off your face.

5 Food Prevent Hair Loss

5 Food Prevent Hair Loss 

As it turned out, to have healthy hair, you just need to sort out the right foods. Just like every inch of your body, every cell that makes the hair stronger and thicker arise from balanced diet.

Changes in the hair takes longer than leather. For example, it took several days for the skin resulting in acne or dryness. But on the hair, it could be the effect of diet emerging months later.

What are the foods are good for hair, so hair stay healthy?

1. Salmon
Beside rich in protein and vitamin D (both are key to stronger hair), salmon also contains omega-3 oils. These fats are needed by the body to grow hair, but can not be manufactured by the human body.

2. Walnut
Walnut is the only one that comes from the legume family that is also rich in Omega-3 essential oils. Walnuts are also rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect cells from DNA damage. Biotin is also useful as a shield from the sun. The lack of biotin can supposedly make your hair fall out.

3. Oysters
Oysters or shellfish are rich in zinc. When the body is deficient in zinc, the hairs on the body will begin to fall out, including eyelashes though. In addition to oysters, zinc can also be found in the cereals wheat. That makes the oyster special, he also has a very high protein. Remember, 97 percent of hair consists of protein.

4. Potatoes
Aka sweet potato sweet potatoes are a source of beta carotene antioxidant, this compound is converted by the body into vitamin A. In essence, every cell in the body will not be able to function optimally without the presence of vitamin A. In addition to causing itching of the scalp, vitamin A deficiency it also raises the appearance of dandruff.

5. Eggs
In addition to a high source of protein, eggs are also well-known for its four key minerals: zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. Iron is very important for the hair because it helps the cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Iron deficiency, in addition to resulting in anemia also the main cause of hair loss.

11 Secrets of Living Longer

11 Secrets of Living Longer 

Are there people who do not want to live longer? All would want it, though it may not know how. Here are 11 secrets of living longer that you can apply in your life.

A study in the '80s found that one of the best predictors of longevity is meticulous personality. The researchers (measured attribute is the attention to detail and persistence) found that conscientious people do more things to protect their health, and make choices that lead to a stronger relationship, and have a better career.

make friends
Be thankful if you have a lot of friends, because they help you live longer. Australian researchers found that people who have a lot of friends die 10 years longer than people who do his friends a bit.

Choose Friends Wisely
Not all friends have a positive impact on your life. Look for friends who make your life healthier. There was a study that showed that obesity can be socially contagious. Well, if you have a friend who is obese, 57 percent of you also have a chance of becoming obese. In addition to obesity, smoking habits can also be contagious.

Habits nap during the day (15-30 minutes) is very well done. A study involving 24,000 participants showed that people who often do siesta (nap), it is likely to die of heart disease 37 percent smaller. The researchers also agree, nap helps the heart keep stress hormones down.

Several studies showed that married people tend to live longer than single people. The reason is, because of the social and economic support.

Keep Moving
People who exercise, he said, would live longer than those who do not. According to dozens of studies, regular physical activity and eat more fiber not only effectively reduce belly fat, but it also reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer, and depression. Exercise can even help you stay mentally sharp in your old age.

Research shows people who attend religious services tend to live longer. In a study, people over the age of 65 years, it was engaged in religious services more than once a week. Strong social networks that develop in the service also contribute to give them health.

Requite have surprising physical health benefits. Chronic anger associated with decreased lung function, heart disease, stroke, and other diseases. Forgiveness will reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and helps you breathe more easily. These benefits tend to increase with age.

Prioritize Sleep
Quality sleep reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mood disorders. In addition, to help you recover more quickly from illness.

Manage Stress
Dean Ornish, MD, has published research showing that lifestyle changes, including stress management not only helps prevent heart disease, but also stressful. Avoiding stress is not a good option for some people, but there are effective ways to control it. For example, with yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises.

Have Purpose
Hobbies and activities that have meaning to contribute to a long life. Japanese researchers found that men who lived without purpose prone to die from a stroke or a heart. Another study at Rush University Medical Center suggests, have a purpose in life may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Saturday 14 June 2014

The kitchen is clean and beautiful

The kitchen is clean and beautiful

Clean kitchen is a dream every housewife. The kitchen is neat, clean and well maintained will certainly make you more keen to experiment in the kitchen. Let's find out what the hell that had to be cleaned in the kitchen so that we are comfortable.


Clean the refrigerator at least 1 month.

Turn off the power, then kelurkan the fridge. Remove all drawers and shelves in the refrigerator, washing with liquid soap and dry.

Spray the inside and outside of the refrigerator with warm water that has been mixed with liquid soap and a little vinegar. Then dry with a cloth.

Enter the back shelf and put the material can still be used to neatly.

Gas Stoves:

Clean the gas stove use. Spray with warm water that has been mixed with liquid soap. Clean with a dry cloth and clean.

Always check the hose that serves to channel the gas from the tube to the stove pipe. Make sure the hose is not kinked and the outer surface does not crack.

Clean the furnace of fire by removing all its parts, then brush to clean. After a clean reinstall.

Kitchen Tools: Different materials perawatanya different.

Wood: Cutting board and a wooden spoon, after use and cleaned, sun dried first place. Cutting board so that the time saved will not be moldy.

Aluminum: such as pans and pots. To remove stubborn crust to boil water in a pan of crusty give baking soda, lift. Dimkan moment, niscahya crust will flake.

Plastic: Clean by immersing in advance with water mixed with baking soda for 10 minutes. then rinse with clean water. If the stains, soak with water that has been given a bit of bleach, let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse with clean water and wash with soap and warm water.

5 Practical Tips for Saving Shoe

5 Practical Tips for Saving Shoe

You may already have a special shoe closet, shoe rack, or at least, but if you are sure you have shoes with good store? Or one member of the family was more accustomed to putting sandals and shoes on the front porch alone, so it is more practical to wear when traveling? If your shoe collection is scattered here and there, trying to keep it that way more concerned about the shoes you are more durable and easier to find your shoes.

1. Sure your shoes are clean and dry before placing it in a shoebox somewhere, closet, or box that is clear now widely sold in stores.

2. Familiarize care for your shoes once or twice a week. Whether it is by opening the shoe box then aerated outdoors, or check the shoes which are in need of repair. Lest you want to contribute to the social institutions or selling shoes that have already bored you wear to the online store.

3. Do not forget to give a label on your shoe box. If you would like to remember him, give a little explanation of where or when you buy it. At least you know how long durability of the shoe.

4. Storage Boots is more complicated due to their large size, not to mention the box. Remember the shoes that you have when you want to organize your space.

5. You can photograph your shoes on top of the original box. Then, you print the photo and stick it out of the box. So, you are more easy to find it by looking at his picture. When you are in a hurry, no need to bother opening the box one by one, just look at the picture shoes. Practical is not it?

Do not Want Extravagant Shopping Clothing? This trick!

Do not Want Extravagant Shopping Clothing? This trick!

Women generally love shopping activities, ranging from daily necessities to the fashion business. Mall, become one point of hunting clothing and fashion accessories are complete. Well, for you people with shopaholic syndrome, maybe a few tricks below can help control your hobby shop.

Choose a plain

If your shopping budget is limited, choose clothing with safe colors are plain. Later, this type of clothing can be sweetened with other accessories. Usually this sort of dress is much cheaper than the patterned because the basic nuances.

Shopping on weekdays

Avoid shopping at the weekend. Many brands and stores that offer promo on weekdays. Anyway, with the amount of free time on the weekends, you have had so many opportunities to choose, try, and then tempted and interested to purchase a variety of clothes that you try.

Prioritizing match

Nowadays, people tend to dress as seen its brand. Famous brands tend to be expensive and usually give rise to a sense of its own prestige that makes you give up the funds to buy it. Pay attention to the fashion choices try it first, whether in accordance with the character, taste and shape of your body.

Apply priority

Make a list of clothes that you need according to your needs. For example, bright color blazer for a meeting at noon, a long white overalls for a seminar, or gold platform shoe models for the evening party. By making the following list, you can shop without worry about buying goods that will not be used.

Make the Sale

Is not it fun to get stuff you had at bargain prices? When you love the goods, do not rush to buy it, wait until the store brand or hold a discount, to get a cheaper price. The risk clearly is the difficulty finding the right size. However, you can work around this by selecting multiple items of different models and motives are not the market, usually dress like this is not very popular.

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